Friday, September 23, 2011


What I'm thankful for this week...

my family group. 
for their prayers, encouraging notes, and our blessed conversations during and after the retreat. 

my parents. 
for being so supportive and encouraging after a bad first chemistry test.

my second family back at home. took a stroll through memory lane today. miss you guys so much.

my latest music obssession:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

new home.

It's definitely hard to pick up blogging again after so much life has I'll just fast-forward through all the nit-picky happenings during the first three weeks of college and give some overall glimpses of life so far in Atlanta.

My sociology professor is Russian, talks slowly with a thick accent, and always pronounces 'processes' as 'per-owe-sesses.' My Psychobiology and Cognition course with Dr. Edwards is by far my favorite class but also one of the most challenging. We cover so much material each day that I started recording class. I have to say that my  newest pet peeve is how the three guys behind me manage to cough at the most important moments during each lecture, without fail. I'm also taking Chemistry, my freshman seminar on social influence psychology, and Ballet III. The first week of school, I woke up super early to try and look somewhat nice. Now I roll out of bed ten minutes before and book it to class.

Aside from the ballet class that I'm taking (which I love), I also joined the Emory Dance Company! The movement and style of dancing is so different to what I'm used to but I love it. The piece I'm in is still in the making; the choreographer is all about being inspired by spontaneous ideas and running with those ideas to piece things together. It's cool.

On a side note, Jimmy Carter came to talk to the 2015 freshman class yesterday. He's a fan of Harry Potter books. Jimmy Carter knows what's up.

These are some of the girls I've met who live in my hall/dorm. This is us post-songfest where we were repping Dobbs, aka the best dorm at Emory.

Some shots of what happens at our late-night "studying" sessions.

After being so used to seeing the same thirty familiar faces and closest friends each Sunday, it's been hard but also a huge blessing to now be at Journey Church of Atlanta! The people I've met are great and the girls in my family group who meet every Wednesday are awesome. Friday worship nights or what we call Quest, is honestly one of the things I look forward to the most each week.

These are some of the girls in my family group! We went out to dinner together for Korean food (which I was craving SO BAD) and then had bubble tea afterwards. Yay for fg!

I guess I could go on and give you the details of every day since I've been here. But overall, college is exactly what I expected and everything I didn't expect. I won't lie and say everything's been perfect, but I love it more each day..

I'm learning that trying to smuggle five bananas and six apples into my backpack won't fly with the kitchen staff, that I should plan on getting out of bed two minutes earlier so I don't pee my pants running to the bathroom down the hall, that the library's seventh floor is where I actually get things done, that I'm still just as directionally challenged as ever, that there actually comes a day when you'll miss Corvallis rain, and that bugs in Atlanta are BIG.

I'm reminded that friendships take time to build, that being alone sometimes isn't always a bad thing, that my parents are really cool for always telling me that they're praying for me, that it's okay to embrace the awkward and not take myself so seriously, and that I've been incredibly blessed with a second family who is the same encouragement to me whether I'm in Oregon or Georgia.

And most importantly, I'm reminded everyday that God is God 
and I am not.
A best friend from home encouraged me to write down one thing I am thankful for each day. It's brought me through those moments of feeling homesick and humbled me in those moments of college excitement, when everything is going great. Even the little things I can be thankful for always remind me of what has been done for me. 
The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair.

So today, I am thankful for my roommate. Even though she likes the room uncomfortably hot and started spraying weird smelling foot febreeze on her shoes today, she always brings me back apples and bananas from the dining hall because she knows I like to hoard fruit in the room.